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Reviews - Cook Communication

Understanding the Creation/Evolution Controversy, by Dr. E.C. Ashby (ACW Press, 2005)

Ceation Evolution Controversy CoverReview By Dr.Claude Shema-Rutagengwa

General coordinator

Great Lakes Peace Initiative(GLPI)

The endless controversy on the origin of the universe has been – and still is- the huge difference between different categories of people. The crucial one is the cold conflict of differences and common misunderstanding between believers and non-believers, or faith vs science, about creation vs. evolution – a dispute which has been fueled by modern science, existence and human beings. And this has led to the huge confusion of the origin of me, you, and all existing creatures.

This confusion also has created a large gap between the Almighty God, existence and Darwinism or other similar discussions. The writer ventures far in his research and provides wonderful learnings about different points of endless discussions like: the origin of the universe, the origin of human beings. (I didn't want to say the origin of man in order to avoid gender matters), the origin of life itself, etc.

This interesting book, Understanding the creation/evolution controversy, seems to reflect more on some answers and potential results of unanswered questions like why the dinosaurs disappeared completely without reappearing in 65,000,000 years  via the evolutionary process?

In his introductory words about the origin of human beings, Dr.Ashby says that the vastness, complexity, beauty and order of the universe is indeed breathtaking; however, all these adjectives and more can be used to describe the biochemistry, molecular biology and physiology of life. It is only in the last 30 years that our understanding of many biological processes relating to plant, animal and human life has become clear. The most recent success in determining the exact composition of the human genome attests to incredible progress in biochemistry and molecular biology.

In his conclusion, Dr. Ashby gives a lot of ideas which we can use in our daily life, both scientists and non-scientists - in other words, the book reflects on science and faith.

